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Colorful History #77: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the U.S. Supreme Court

FREE - Suggested Donation: $2-$5

Learn about the iconic U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Supreme Court, and Justice Ginsburg’s advocacy for gender equality. 

Art and Story by Ally Shwed
Lettering by R. Alan Brooks 

Estimated Lexile Levels:  

  • Comic: 1010 – 1200 
  • Endnotes: 1210 – 1400 

Projects and discussion questions are aligned to Common Core standards for grades 9-12. 

Explore the life, work, and legacy of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in Colorful History #77: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the U.S. Supreme Court — a free educational comic and teaching guide for 9-12 grade students.   

In its entire history, just six of the 121 United States Supreme Court Justices to have been women. Ruth Bader Ginsburg—the second to do so—passed away in 2020 after 27 years as a Supreme Court Justice. 

“The Notorious RBG”, as she became known late in her life, worked with her Supreme Court colleagues to determine the meanings and applications of laws when challenged in lower courts. Her individual legacy, however, is largely defined by her efforts to equalize gender rights during her time on the bench and throughout her fight to get there. 

With this comic and its endnotes, students will be introduced to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s work and legacy. They will also learn about the United States Supreme Court and its functions.  Students will read about specific court cases in which RBG either supported a ruling opinion that helped promote gender equality, or strongly dissented against opinions that she determined to be less favorable — sometimes leading to significant congressional action.  

Using the projects suggested in this guide, students will have the opportunity to analyze these opinions and creatively reinterpret them, research and present on gender rights in the past, present, and future, and evaluate different media formats while learning more about Ginsburg’s life.

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