Calling all educators! Pop Culture Classroom is looking for participants for a focus group! PCC is starting the Graphic Novels Lending Library, a program where educators can rent graphic novel libraries for instructional purposes. We want graphic novels to be accessible to all for use in instruction, and wish to gain information from a focus group on how to be most effective in the implementation of this program. This focus group will help us understand what conditions and resources are necessary to make the program successful. Whether or not you are familiar with using comic books or graphic novels as educational tools in the classroom we need your input. School educators, administrators, librarians, parents and students are all welcome and encouraged to participate. There will be two sessions of focus groups held on Saturday, March 11th, from 11am-12pm and 1-2pm at the Denver Public Library Main Branch.
If you are interested in sharing your thoughts with us about this program in our focus group apply here by March 1st.