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What I Do

Empower and inspire students with pop culture (i.e storytelling, comics, films, board games, cosplay) to help them create from their imaginations.

Areas of Expertise

I experiment with paint, video, symbols, dreams, nature, and movement. I create to express my fascination with the connections between the mind, the body, and the universe. I value playfulness and social emotional development.

My Favorite Fandoms

As a kid I fell in love with the work of Neil Gaiman, especially the Sandman comics. Ever since, I’ve been obsessed with graphic novels, fantasy, and any story that examines overlooked, forgotten, or misunderstood places and people.

  • Coraline
  • Pans Labyrinth
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • The Hobbit, LOTR
  • Tim Burton
  • DC Comics
  • Star Wars

Why I Do It

Students teach me as much as I teach them.

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